The size of the air inlet is matched with Qingzhou Fan, the purpose is to make the house airy and effective, Appropriate pressure to ensure the wind speed of the house. The basis for adjusting the size of the air inlet in the house is mainly determined by the wind speed inside the house, but the air inlet should be opened symmetrically, and the deflector should be installed at the same time, and the angle of the deflector should be parallel to the angle of the roof, so as to enter the house. The fresh air reaches the middle of the roof of the house and is thoroughly mixed and then evenly blown to the flock to avoid direct blows. It is necessary to set the wet curtain opening size and opening time according to the temperature of the house, and set the corresponding ventilation level, and also set the internal static pressure parameter. During the use of longitudinal ventilation and wet curtains, the temperature difference between the front and rear of the house should be less than 6°C, the temperature inside the house is even; the cold wind at the front of the house can not be cold Directly blow to the flock to avoid cold stress in the flock; the static pressure in the house must be within the standard range and should not be too large to avoid damage to the ventilation equipment.
2 Matching Qingzhou fan and wet curtain:
1 chicken house total cubic meters Calculation: Take the above 9000only the chicken house as an example, wide11米,长64M, if built3.2米高,三角梁High1.511×3.2×64米)+(11×1.5)/2×64=2252.8+561=2814cubes/
2 requires first to ensure low ventilation: 0.107cubes/ only. minute. Then need a small number of fans: low ventilation is to ensure the low ventilation needs and dust removal needs in the cold season such as winter in the house, generally use 710 or 900 type fan. If you use 710 type fan, its rated power18000cubes/hours, every minute is 18000/60=300cube meters/minutes, actual power is about 80%, the actual power is 300 ×80%=240Cube m/
Required 710Number of fans:0.107 ×9000=963/240=4
3 requires the entire chicken house Qingzhou fan to meet 1The entire house is exchanged for gas in minutes, requiring a large fan: if used1400fan, rated power52000/hours, every minute is 52000/60=866.7cubes/minutes, actual power is about 80%, the actual power is 866.7 ×80%=693.4cubes/< pan=""> minutes.
Number of large fans: < pan=""> Total house volume2814cubic meters, minus710Fan ventilation (963) equals 2814-963=1851cube 1851/693.4=2.67 ≈3. that is, the chicken coop Need710型青州风机4个,1400型青州风机31400 can be installed4 , where 1710 type keeps low ventilation. 4 wet curtain area: according to the air inlet is not lower than the air outlet 2.50.8 × 0.8 (710Fan frame] ×4+1.55 ×1.55 (1400Fan frame]×3=2.56+7.21=9.8. Wet curtain area:9.8 × 2.5=24.5 ≈25/Buildings.